3 Nuns

3 nuns died. They were on their way to heaven. At heavens door Petrus stopped them and said:
“Hello my three nuns, before you are allowed to pass through heavens door into paradise, each one of you has to answer a question.

Here is the first one for you: ‘Who was the first human being on earth?'”

“Oh, it’s an easy one, it was Adam.”

“That’s right, come in.”

“Now here is the second one for you. ‘Who was the second human being on earth?'”

“Oh, it’s an easy one, it was Eve.”

“That’s right, come in.”

“Here is the third one for you. What did Eve say to Adam, when she met him first time?”

“Oh, Ohhhh, OHHHHH, it’s a hard one.”

“That’s right, come in.”

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